Embark on a journey at the crossroads of travel and design with Oak & Olive, where our homewares and furniture collections share captivating stories. Meticulously curated, each ensemble is sourced from distant corners of the world, from tranquil Indian villages to bustling Marrakech souks. We hold each collection close, cherishing its distinct essence, and aspire for it to weave its magic into your home, making it truly exceptional.


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Our collection boasts uniqueness in every piece, products are meticulously crafted by skilled artisans from around the globe, ensuring each item is a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of human hands.

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Welcome to Oak & Olive, your gateway to exquisite homewares inspired by life’s extraordinary journey. Founded by Elisha and Marie, two adventurous souls hailing from Australia, we’ve embarked on an exciting chapter here in Zagreb, Croatia.